About Art Music Programming
    Hi, my name is L'abri. I'm 21 years old, and I live with my family in a forest near Bariloche Argentina. I live in a bus frame covered with metal sheeting from water heaters. We have a primitive campsite, without many of the comforts of the city, but we have our own alternatives: a well for water, wood from the forest for heating, a latrine and a shower-house, an lp tank and oven for cooking, a gasoline generator for electricity. It might sound hard, but I wouldn't exchange it for anywhere else!
bus frame

    I work in the afternoons giving English classes to people in the neighborhoods, which means I walk a lot. Generally I walk 2 hours per day. In the mornings I often work taking out plants or digging pits. I also work at a wholesale food store, Diarco once or twice a week loading a truck. On Resdays (Sundays) we clean the parking lot of Diarco. Every other Tuesday, I go with Ma to town for Internet connection. Saturdays are our visitor days.

    I like music; I play the guitar, piano and accordion. I am good with computers, and I know Visual Basic programming and basic HTML. I like drawing, I love reading, my favorite books are Star Wars!

    If you would like to contact me, this is my e-mail address: labrik2@hotmail.com

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