Jireh Devin Spaulding


Jireh, age 22 (1995), has a gentle, quiet nature and is strong and sturdy. He enjoys reading and writing. It is understood that the children know Spanish as a second language. He has also done well in German and French. Jireh plays the guitar, piano and some accordion, however we haven’t had access to one in too many years.

His name means “God is our provider.”

Posted: September 2016

13 July 2016. Ciela’s birthday at McDonalds
07 Jan 2016. Here is our future kitchen under construction. I started it with money I earned 2 summers ago cleaning at a campground.
07 Jan 2016. It has taken much longer than I had hoped, prices have skyrocketed and winter hit, but at least we got the roof on before the worst.

Posted: July 2013

I work at a carpenter shop. I enjoy writing fiction and have written the beginnings of a few books but I haven’t finished any of them yet. I enjoy reading fiction even more.

I like to draw, but I don’t do it very well.

I play guitar and am currently fixing mine at the carpenter shop.

I recently finished overseeing the construction of a small cabin with help from my family. The cabin was destined for my two younger siblings to be able to move out of tents, and they are now living in it.

Last year I made a Roman Soldier costume for a Christmas play.

I have known how to walk on my hands, do cart-wheels and front flips since I was about eight and I would like to learn how to do a back-flip. However all of the above make my spine hurt so I try not to overdo it.

I also like cooking and baking.


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Béni Deo Spaulding

Sun Jul 20 , 1997
Béni, age 19 (1997), follows in Pa’s footsteps in his capacity for mechanics and inventions and is always busy with his hands and mind. He is learning the piano and learned some accordion when we had access to one. He bought a violin not too long ago, one of his […]

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