Andorran Police : You are “a risk to National Security”

This is the document that the Police of Andorra composed in collaboration with the U.S. Police, to conclude that our family represents: «a risk to national security», among others, and we were deported immediately, on 11 July 2003, no questions asked. [Below, in Catalan: “un risc per la seguretat de l’estat” (underline added)]

Included in the text is a direct reference to Gary’s false arrest by the FBI in Waco, Texas, USA on 16 April 1993, when we attempted to deliver humanitarian supplies to the families who were incinerated by the FBI 3 days later. [In Catalan: “per l’obstrucció a les autoritats l’any 1993”]

Our facts were not asked for, and I told them their document was a lie. I refused to sign the release statement, and told the police: “May God forgive you.” We also were not allowed to present our Case-in-Chief which establishes beyond a doubt that we fled from the United States due to religious persecution.

It was unlawful for Andorran officials to collaborate with the U.S. police following our petition for political asylum. The severity of this criminal action is represented by our expulsion with 5 years of enforcement, the only words appearing in bold in the text. [In Catalan: “d’expulsió temporal per un període de 5 anys“]


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Gary Spaulding Family Compact

Sun Sep 28 , 2003
Our statement of beliefs, policies and traditions that, unfortunately, depart radically from many modern, Christian families. The Gary Spaulding Family Compact 28 September 2003 Montet, Switzerland To the glory of Jehovah God, Amen. We consecrate ourselves to God, through Jesus, both in life and in death, By unanimous declaration: “We […]

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