Argentine president Cristina Kirchner was re-elected

A public lamentation:

23 October 2011

The guilt as to why Cristina Kirchner won yesterday along with her anti-Christ affiliates belongs to the preachers of the Word of God – pastors as well as priests – who, due to their convenience, did not denounce them publicly as Jesus, John the Baptist and the prophets would have done.* Such silent leaders must be thrown out or avoided because, in reality, they are guards of the anti-Christ, that is to say : double agents.

––Gary, root surgeon


*”Avoid the sin of King Herod…,” Mark 8:15.


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494th anniversary, 31 October 2011

Mon Oct 31 , 2011
This is the half-way point between arriving here in great tribulation in 2005 and the projected presentation to be made in 2017: this is the midpoint. We are working energetically toward that goal, with no energy to waste.

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