This video is a scathing satire. Modern Christian leaders have become too much like “the 12 Apostates” since the pseudo-Christianization that began under Emperor Constantine more than a thousand years ago. To belong to Christ and to his rivals/eliminators at the same time creates an oxymoron, a duplicity and schizophrenia. An EXODUS is needed.
If Modern Christians and the First Christians talk the same, but their life is opposite, this video could help bridge the chasmic gap.
Let’s put the axe to the root of the great Apostasy! Let’s turn the world upside down for Jesus! Let’s put Satan out of business! Have no President but Jesus!
We must “flee to the mountains” out of this Sodom and Gomorrah world! A Christian Refugee Camp could be what you and your family need.
We Christians are Heaven’s citizens. When Earth’s governments violate your right to a clean passport God’s Kingdom has the proactive solution for his citizens.
For more than 30 years Washington, DC has lied about their mass murder, etc., in “the Waco Massacre.’ This action seeks the death penalty for the parties found guilty.
Why was there a riot in Thessalonica as the ambassadors of President Jesus did his work in the marketplace and house to house? Their work was construed as “turning the city upside down.” Why? Because their Boss was not Caesar, rather, as they declared before the city judges: “Our President (King is an antiquated title) is not Caesar but Jesus !” (paraphrased for optimum clarity).
Double-agents defined and applied To: Modern Christian leaders From: Christian, an ambassador for President Jesus Date: Friday, 24 November 2023 For Modern Christian leaders it is sufficient to be disqualified as a double-agent for having citizenship in Heaven and Hell (or Sodom and Gomorrah) at the same time. Somehow in […]
The Beast and the Number of Revelation 13:17 To: Christians worldwide From: Christian, an ambassador for President Jesus, and a rejected refugee Date: Thursday, 23 November 2023 The “Beast” refers to Emperor Constantine and his successors: Popes, Holy Roman Emperors (Charles V), Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents, etc. (also known as: […]
We have suffered multiple false arrests, mistreatment, blockades and destruction of our belongings and of our allodial homestead, primitive campsite of almost 18 years due to multi-level fraud and conspiracy that stems from the present, wicked, exclusionary policy regarding new settlements on vacant land. Ironically, the words “Socialist utopia” inspire the grand feeling of “a glorious, benevolent, inclusive brotherhood” but the reality is close to the opposite: Modern Socialism is a brutal, exclusionary, national-social ideology that stigmatizes, exploits, hunts and expels non-subscribers, as we are, and/or leaves them dis-empowered, disenfranchised and dispossessed, as we are, with nowhere to go.