Posted: December 2018 Ciela Rose, age 14 (2004), is our Swiss miss. She was conceived and born in Switzerland, but was criminally denied her right to a US passport by the US Embassy in Bern.   Ciela’s name means “our Heavenly flower.”   More beautiful photography taken by Ciela Posted: […]

These are documents we submitted to United Nations and Paraguay officials while we were in Switzerland. The Swiss Border Police were doing everything within their power to have Gary [falsely] arrested, to deport him and the children back to the U.S. while Mama Vickie was to be left behind to give birth to Ciela alone – the Swiss police even threatened to arrest Gary while visiting Vickie at the hospital.

Spaulding (51) and his family – L’Abri (12), Jireh (8), Beni (6), Talitha (5) and wife Vicky (39) who is expecting again – already two years wandering through Europe, seeking political asylum. They were kicked out of Andorra from France, Switzerland rejected asylum eventually off, and now they’re in the Netherlands. Because they were not in England and have no money to travel. Certainly not to locate here. For the Netherlands, with liberal abortion laws, is not exactly paradise on earth for Spaulding.

Our statement of beliefs, policies and traditions that, unfortunately, depart radically from many modern, Christian families. The Gary Spaulding Family Compact 28 September 2003 Montet, Switzerland To the glory of Jehovah God, Amen. We consecrate ourselves to God, through Jesus, both in life and in death, By unanimous declaration: “We […]

Italian engineers demonstrate the fact that the Twin Towers were carefully demolished, not by terrorists from a cave in Afghanistan or Iraq, but by explosive technicians, with surgical precision.
A documentary by: Giulietto Chiesa, Franco Fracassi, Francesco Trento, Thomas Torelli, Paola Jormi Bianchi, Produced by: Thomas Torelli for TPF Telemaco, Producers: Vanessa Barreiro, Fulvia D’Ottavi, Gabriella Guido

Talitha Sedmaya Spaulding Talitha, age 20 (1998), is our greatest “finder,” and can usually find anything that is missing. She is also Pa’s helper in the laundry department which is all done by hand and outdoors. You would never know that she was born a month before term. She is […]

Béni, age 19 (1997), follows in Pa’s footsteps in his capacity for mechanics and inventions and is always busy with his hands and mind. He is learning the piano and learned some accordion when we had access to one. He bought a violin not too long ago, one of his […]