Jesus faced much opposition on earth as he went about loving people. You’d think people would have received and appreciated his love. Some did, but others opposed him zealously. His love is the heavenly type of love. Had he loved the world with an earthly type of love, he would […]

Our second edition used in public outreaches and made available outside of class time at the USA government schools where Gary was teaching and for that he was fired and struck from the list without legal remedy; 20,000 copies.

L’abri, age 25 (1992), like Pa, gives private tutoring of English in the nearby neighborhoods. He enjoys and excels in languages, computer programming, guitar, accordion, and also loves to read. He has set a good example of sharing and helping others. L’abri’s name means “God is our shelter.” View his […]

An unbelievable account of a woman’s lies and betrayal against her Christian husband before an ungodly judge. Their names have been omitted to put the lime-light, not on the people, but on the fact that government-imposed atheism is made legal in USA courts and Christianity is made illegal. The authority of this court is anathema to Christians.