To: 1) Christian leaders in the USA; 2) conference, Des Moines, Iowa From: Gary, root surgeon Date: 1 November 2015 Subject 1: “Remember Lot’s wife … flee from Sodom & Gomorrah … don’t look back!” Subject 2: Root-level Christian Reformation Brethren, greetings in Jesus’ name! We are calling God’s people to separate from the nations of the […]
Anyone or ones who find themselves displaced from house and home for belonging to Christ and for separating from the Christ-eliminating world — please come to receive a Christian welcome on our precarious promontory. You don’t need to announce your arrival beforehand. 19 October 2015 See also: Contact Us
PUBLIC NOTICE/PRESS RELEASE GOOD NEWS – MISTRANSLATION CORRECTED! SATANIC WORLD ORDER TO BE PUT OUT OF BUSINESS To: Worldwide body of Christ – Christians ! From: Gary, root surgeon Date: 18 October 2015 Subject 1: “Give back” to Caesar whatever belongs to him, (1) and Subject 2: King Jesus will be all in all Jesus’ wisdom dealing […]
Headline: Expulsion Ultimatum to force us out of Argentina
On 1 August 2014 Migration officials came to our campsite and stated: “You have 15 days to leave Argentina, if you don’t, you will be forcibly expelled!”
Jesus never said to give to Caesar what belongs to God contrary to what most preachers would tell you.
This is a letter by Gary to the photographer of a 25 year-old photo. It also serves as a brief, 25-year update of our pilgrimage.
Here is a brief description of the abomination that causes desolation standing in the unholy place.
Most of God’s people are trapped in the worldwide mystical body of the anti-Christ which he calls his “Corporation,” (corp = body). Ideally the leaders will separate first.
By authority of Jesus of Nazareth, our King of kings, Ambassador-in-Chief and Temple Cleanser coming soon to judge the living and the dead, i hereby order you to release post-haste Mr. Kent Hovind.
Every day our family makes a stream of decisions based on a set of Christ-centered reference points and criteria that are foreign, foolish or taboo to most Christian leaders of the Western World.