With a little help and wisdom from Pa, you can find a wife who is truly a gift of God, like your Mother.
Large Hadron Collider scientists are dangerous daredevils and must be put out of business.
God’s Church is headquartered in Heaven whereas the anti-Christ’s church is headquartered on Earth.
A proactive Christian solution for dealing with anti-Christ governments to avoid their blood guilt and liability before Jehovah God; and for this you will suffer tribulation.
Hopefully, Uncle, your spiritual leaders are wrestling with these very subjects: Lordship, apostasy and a Heaven-based spirituality, among others, so that these concepts are not foreign to your thinking.
Gisela, from Frutillar in Bariloche, Argentina, presents ideas about what is liberty, excessive liberty and personal responsibility, emphasising the basic desire to be free and happy. Gisela is 18 years old. We congratulate her. (November 2009) For now this is in Spanish only. Click the PDF symbol and wait a […]
In the interest of the Second Coming of our Savior and King, Jesus, there are ten urgent issues for you (Christian leaders) and me to correct. May God give us strength and courage to do our part.
For Christians, it is unacceptable to receive such a document number because we were created by God, not Government; we are the Bride of Christ, bought with his blood; we belong to him, he owns us and, as his Bride, we may not receive the number of an alien authority onto our natural person.
We all make mistakes, but some mistakes give the Devil the advantage, as you will see.
We remind the War Crimes Tribunal from time to time that the warlords in Washington need to be summoned to give account before the war crimes court that they created.