God’s will is not being done on Earth as it is in Heaven, his Kingdom is in great tribulation and 13 prayers portray his grief.
There is no persecution in the USA against Christians who are not like Jesus. Meanwhile his ambassadors and emissaries are being severely persecuted.
A U.S. Ambassador came to town planning to meet with us. We sent him the Word of the Lord in a brief letter of invitation but the contact person dropped us like a hot potato. Can you guess why?
This is perhaps the world’s finest music, performed by robots and fit to salute a King. Welcome back to our planet, Jesus. All hail to our King! (video by Animusic 2005)
Nobody says the king is naked in Washington DC without forfeiting some of his life or freedom because the king is not only naked but is a pirate, a thief, a murderer, a terrorist and a destroyer of the lives of those who refuse to bow to his false Lordship. A current case in point is a modern-day John the Baptist, Missionary Kent Hovind, who is in a Washington DC concentration camp for failure to pay taxes he doesn’t owe to the Pirates on the Potomac from money given to God. He received a 10-year prison sentence.
After telling our story of persecution and tribulation to the Argentine asylum officials they created a story out of their own imagination, rejected us for it, and called us liars.
Gary Spaulding, his wife Vickie Lynn and their children L’abri, Jireh, Beni, Talitha and Ciela, who are from 6 months to 13 years old, were almost burned alive early yesterday morning when an intentional forest fire encircled the pine forest in which they were camping.
See original: Nadie quiere a los Spaulding a newspaper article from La Voz de Galicia (Spain) Before telling of the calvary of Gary Spaulding and his family, we must make reference to another story, which took place on a Texan ranch called Mount Carmel, in the locality of Waco, the 28th […]
SAN CARLOS DE BARILOCHE(AB) – The committee of eligibility for refugees (CEPARE) of Argentina denied the petition for political asylum of a United States couple with five children (aged from six months to 13 years) that has been traveling the world since April of 2003 and avoiding incidents looking for a place to settle.
SENSITIVE EVIDENCE THAT CAUSED MY FAMILY TO FLEE FROM THE UNITED STATES An indictment charging the U.S. Government of multiple crimes and war crimes, including terrorism, abduction of children, and persecution of Christians, filed with the War Crimes Tribunal, the Netherlands, in 2004.