Gisela, from Frutillar in Bariloche, Argentina, presents ideas about what is liberty, excessive liberty and personal responsibility, emphasising the basic desire to be free and happy. Gisela is 18 years old. We congratulate her. (November 2009) For now this is in Spanish only. Click the PDF symbol and wait a […]

Suggested web sites/ web pages

We suggest you explore these additional websites and/or pages:

Christians: You Must Deny the Lordship of Christ. It is the Price of Citizenship in this Secular Nation. by Dr. James White

2013 /23 August
We highly recommend this article for those Christians who are procrastinating the decision to separate from God’s enemies and belong to His Kingdom alone.

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US soldiers filmed killing civilians and laughing at bodies

2007 /12 July
Massacre in Iraq by Washington DC’s terrorists, 12 July 2007 — Wikileaks website:

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Temple and Christian School demolished by Washington DC in 2001

2001 / March
IBT Raided by Federal Marshals

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Constitution Society

U.S. Constitution, abuses and usurpations — researcher’s website:

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Waco, a New Revelation

1993 /28 Feb – 19 April
This footage reveals crimes by the FBI against the Waco [Texas] families, including FBI machine-gunning would-be escapees at the back of the building during the fire.

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El Perseguido [The Persecuted]

Kurt Sonnenfeld, the 9/11 photographer who is seeking asylum in Argentina: Kurt Sonnenfeld: A witness for the persecution, by Gaia Edwards

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460 children forcibly abducted in Texas

2008 /03 April
— Unfortunately, the parents’ website is gone.
Militarized police besiege community, take over 400 kids after false police report. An article which includes photos of the raid of the families.

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Mr. Gordon Kahl

1983 /June
Conscientious objector butchered by Washington DC in 1983 — researcher’s website.

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Victims Of Child Abuse Laws (V.O.C.A.L.)

V.O.C.A.L. — I can no longer find a web site for this group.
The link is an article from the Chicago Tribune.

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1945 /06 & 09 August
U.S. Terrorism and War Crimes. Beneath the center of the explosion, temperatures were hot enough to melt concrete and steel. Within seconds, 75,000 people had been killed or fatally injured with 65% of the casualties nine years of age and younger.

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