Primary Reference Points and Motivating Philosophy
This video is a scathing satire. Modern Christian leaders have become too much like “the 12 Apostates” since the pseudo-Christianization that began under Emperor Constantine more than a thousand years ago. To belong to Christ and to his rivals/eliminators at the same time creates an oxymoron, a duplicity and schizophrenia. An EXODUS is needed.
Every day our family makes a stream of decisions based on a set of Christ-centered reference points and criteria that are foreign, foolish or taboo to most Christian leaders of the Western World.
With a little help and wisdom from Pa, you can find a wife who is truly a gift of God, like your Mother.
In the interest of the Second Coming of our Savior and King, Jesus, there are ten urgent issues for you (Christian leaders) and me to correct. May God give us strength and courage to do our part.
God’s will is not being done on Earth as it is in Heaven, his Kingdom is in great tribulation and 13 prayers portray his grief.
There is a jealous God in Israel (in our hearts) so his people must divorce the anti-Christ. This is one of the things we did in 1994.