To: 1) Christian leaders in the USA; 2) Freedom2015.org conference, Des Moines, Iowa From: Gary, root surgeon Date: 1 November 2015 Subject 1: “Remember Lot’s wife … flee from Sodom & Gomorrah … don’t look back!” Subject 2: Root-level Christian Reformation Brethren, greetings in Jesus’ name! We are calling God’s people to separate from the nations of the […]

In a world dominated by pirates, those who live by the truth are demonized. The following individuals are in that number. To them and to all inhabitants on the planet we propose a God-based solution.

Date: 14 September 2010 Dear Brother Victor, Thank you for your e-mails and for your well-researched web site. If it occurs to you the wisdom that occurred to us to separate from the anti-Christ seated in Washington DC, we urge you to do so, in whatever way the Lord may […]