For more than 30 years Washington, DC has lied about their mass murder, etc., in “the Waco Massacre.’ This action seeks the death penalty for the parties found guilty.
Waco Holocaust 1993
This fire was started by agents of Washington DC using incendiary rounds which were later found in the rubble. 76 people were incinerated or machine-gunned at the back door.
82 people were murdered by Washington, listed in memoriam here.
We were falsely arrested by the FBI, Olaitan Oyetunbi (not shown) and I (Gary Spaulding). Our outreach of Christian compassion could have defused the entire crisis.
This footage reveals crimes by the FBI against the Waco families, including FBI machine-gunning would-be escapees at the back of the building during the fire. These are important excerpts, please view the full video here: Waco: A New Revelation