12:00 pm — Wednesday, 19 October 2022
“The moment of truth.”

“Taking photos is prohibited !”
Our friends were blocked at the entrance.
A spokesman for the government’s forces said:
“There will be violence !”

My wife, Vickie, said:
“I can’t voluntarily leave my home of 18 years . . . If they want me they will have to break down my door.”
The judge said:
“There is no coercion in our system.” (!/?)
The Constitution says:
“The [people’s] homestead is inviolate.” (Article 18)
(In a composite paraphrase) Jesus said:
“As the lords of this world have conspired against me and usurped my Throne, so they will conspire against you and treat you like trash simply because you belong to my Kingdom, not theirs,”
“When you see that the abomination that causes the desolation of holy things has been exalted above God’s throne: Flee to the mountains !”

See also:
Bariloche en redes: Un desalojo con el Sello de Justicia Rionegrina
VDM noticias: Desalojaron en Bariloche a una familia estadounidense que ocupa un predio desde hace 18 años
Bariloche 2000: Fueron desalojados de la “Propiedad de Dios”
Bariloche 2000: El juicio de desalojo de la “Propiedad de Dios” comenzó en 2015 en medio de una relación que “no fue armónica”