Companion to the Christian Passport


p. 5


The apocalyptic deception of these Last Days is devastating to God’s Church, primarily because the leaders are willfully ignorant and mislead unsuspecting people; 2Thessalonians 2:10; Isaiah 3:12; Matthew 24:24; Mark 12:40.

We are God’s Church which is defined as people, not buildings, and the word “Church” in the original language and historical context meant approximately: “those whom God calls to come out of and save them­selves from the wicked and perverse population and leadership of the world;” Acts 17:24; Acts 7:48; Acts 2:40; Ephesians 2:22; Ephesians 5:16; 1Timothy 3:15; 1Corinthians 3:16; 2Corinthians 6:16; Matthew 12:39; Matthew 12:45; Matthew 16:4; Luke 1:74; Luke 1:75; 1Peter 2:5.

Jesus foresaw that his Church and his enemies would be united in the same bed until the Final Judgment; Matthew 13:29; Matthew 13:30; 1Corinthians 15:33.

Jesus also foresaw that upon his return, faith and trust in him would have almost ceased to exist; Mark 7:6; Mark 7:7; Luke 18:8; John 14:3; 2Corinthians 1:9.

We are to seek first of all God’s Kingdom and his heavenly justice, and our needs will be met in due time; Matthew 6:33; Mark 9:24; Luke 12:31; Philippians 4:6; Philippians 4:19; 1Thessalonians 4:12; 1Timothy 6:8.

Unfortunately, God’s Watchmen in the Western World, in the majority, seek first the temporal conveniences of being one body with their atheistic governments secured by means of receiving central body control numbers and by the papers of incorporation, and, by agreement, they neglect to publicly denounce anti-Christ candidates and politics so as not to lose their professional privileges and contractual benefits. Due to this fraud, these double-agents teach lies,* promote non-Christian thinking and refuse to come clean, such that the Gates of Hell are prevailing over God’s Church. *Typical lies: Earthly riches are not deceptive; to be rich toward man is to be rich toward God; God’s Kingdom hasn’t yet been set in motion; the “Beast” has not yet manifested himself; denominational divisions among Christians were ordained in Heaven; likewise, unity with the anti-Christ government is required of all good Christians; if you are a good Christian all men will speak well of you; “Our Church,” they say, “has an earthly founder and an earthly headquarters;”

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Martin Luther's dire prediction

Sun Aug 5 , 2012
A world-class theologian, linguist, musician and erudite challenged the authorities of his day and upset the balance of world power. He also predicted the decadence of the modern Western government schools, so precisely that his name is unknown to most students.

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