Companion to the Christian Passport


p. 6


Holy Matrimony belongs to the atheistic state; Christians need the mark of the beast or they will starve; Christian children need a diploma from a Big Bang educational institution or they will starve; bank accounts and retirement benefits with the anti-Christ count as blessings from God; God put his enemies in authority over his Church and expects us to obey them and conform to their standards; the Church incorporated is the body of Christ, not the anti-Christ; head taxes have God’s approval; Christians can believe secretly without having to take a stand against God’s enemies; we are to forgive God’s enemies but our enemies we prosecute, especially in the divorce courts; nuclear power is good and brings God’s blessing upon a country; the anti-Christ state does not own all incorporated real estate including church buildings, seminaries, religious campuses, the Sanctuary, the offering plate and everything that is placed in it; etc.; Ephesians 4:4; Ephesians 4:5; Romans 12:1; Romans 12:2; Romans 13:3; Matthew 13:22; 1Timothy 1:19; 2Corinthians 11:13; Luke 6:26; Luke 12:21; Luke 16:19; Luke 16:20; Luke 16:21; Luke 16:22; Luke 16:23; Luke 16:24; Luke 16:25; Luke 16:26; Luke 16:27; Luke 16:28; Luke 16:29; Luke 16:30; Luke 16:31; Ezekiel 33:6; Ezekiel 37:1; Ezekiel 37:2; Ezekiel 37:3; Ezekiel 37:4; Ezekiel 37:5; Ezekiel 37:6; Ezekiel 37:7; Ezekiel 37:8; Ezekiel 37:9; Ezekiel 37:10; Ezekiel 37:11; Ezekiel 37:12; Ezekiel 37:13; Ezekiel 37:14; Ezekiel 37:15; Ezekiel 37:16; Ezekiel 37:17; Ezekiel 37:18; Ezekiel 37:19; Ezekiel 37:20; Ezekiel 37:21; Ezekiel 37:22; Ezekiel 37:23; Ezekiel 37:24; Ezekiel 37:25; Ezekiel 37:26; Ezekiel 37:27; Ezekiel 37:28.

Early Christians searched the Scriptures to determine whether the preacher spoke God’s Word correctly, and were praised for it. Today, many, if not most Christians, do not study the Bible, but the tv screen, and they rush to their feet and roar for a touchdown but remain unmoved when a death squadron, which they themselves finance every 15th of April, scores a direct hit against an unwanted person. (Babies are deemed “non-persons” and are killed by death squadrons in hospitals and abortion facilities throughout the Western World, which, one way or another, are financed or protected by public money, including that of professing Christians); Acts 17:11; John 5:39; John 5:40; John 5:42; Deuteronomy 19:10; Psalms 139:13; Psalms 139:14; Psalms 139:15; Psalms 139:16.

We must repent or a tower could fall on us; Luke 13:5; Luke 17:2; John 3:36.

We will all stand before King Jesus and give an account of ourself; Romans 14:12; 2Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 4:13; John 5:22; John 5:27; Jude 1:15.

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Martin Luther's dire prediction

Sun Aug 5 , 2012
A world-class theologian, linguist, musician and erudite challenged the authorities of his day and upset the balance of world power. He also predicted the decadence of the modern Western government schools, so precisely that his name is unknown to most students.

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