So, you’ve given up the number of the beast (the SSN)?

In answer to your question (from a follower on Twitter): Yes, we gave up the SSN about 25 years ago when its original purpose and definition were falsified. In our pilgrimage we are not as fixated with the “Mark of the Beast” as with giving God everything that belongs to Him, and giving anything contrary to God back to Caesar.

Progressively, the Driver’s license also became unacceptable for Christians and we gave it back (in the process our family car was stolen by the Indiana [USA] Bureau of Motor Vehicles). When, due to persecution, it came time to flee from the country and we needed passports God made a way to get them without those “required documents!”

Later from Switzerland (our youngest daughter and sister Ciela, was born there) she was fraudulently denied a US passport, but God opened the door to travel to South America without it.

Omitting many details, while here in Argentina the new DNI (national ID card with microchip and biometric data) was implemented at the time that the authorities were processing our case. We told them that their number was unacceptable for Christians. Meanwhile, we had divorced Washington and let those passports expire (we burned them later as a symbol of definitive separation). Subsequently, we had the Divine inspiration, (by way of Mama) to make Christian passports for each of us (we are a family of 7) and presented them to the Argentine border police (Migraciones). The Argentine government did not accept these clean, Christian passports and required us to renew the expired US passports in order to stay in the country “legally.”  So we ceased all dealings with the Argentine government. A couple years later they threatened to throw us out of the country by force if we didn’t leave on our own or conform to their requirements within 15 days. We said: “No!” That was almost four years ago, and so far they’ve never been back. Hallelujah!

Now we see the single thread which connects all said documents which are part of the Mark of the Beast, namely: citizenship which makes natural people who belong to God into artificial “Legal Persons” belonging to Satan’s world order. As Christians our citizenship is in Heaven alone and all that we are we have given to God.

May God help you in your pilgrimmage as he has helped us, and give you a way of escape. Without the Great Shepherd our enemies would have triumphed over us long ago.

Hope to here from you soon.

  Sincerely, L’abri for all of us


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When confronted by squadrons of Undeclared Martial Law:

Fri Mar 27 , 2020
Q: "Why are you outside of your government-mandated enclave?" A: (Christian): "I am doing what is essential for our jurisdiction whose sole Head is Jesus the Christ which means he is our President and Lord paramount." NB: For this answer you will be hated by all nations, as Jesus foretold. […]

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