What would you say to the Ambassador?

A U.S. Ambassador came to town planning to meet with us. We sent him the Word of the Lord in a brief letter of invitation but the contact person dropped us like a hot potato. Can you guess why?

An Open Memorandum

To: The Honorable Assistant to the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina
From: The Gary Spaulding Family
Date: 26 November 2006

Allow me to be brief, yet candid: Washington, D.C. has incurred upon itself and its co-conspirators more blood-guilt than any other city on Earth. Berlin would have been a close second, but Adolf Hitler did not possess abortion on demand technology, nor did he re-classify his unborn nationals as “non-persons,” as have done Washington D.C.’s High Priests in Black, at a toll of 20,000,000 (million) victims per year. Furthermore, 30 days prior to the 9-11-2001 attacks, Mr. Bush used his presidential authority from Washington, D.C. to authorize the cannibalization of newly conceived babies’ genetics, destined for commercial markets. To call that an ill-fated decision would be an understatement!

At my own conception, I was unwanted by my Mother, yet for my Father, I was the necessary deferment to prevent him from being drafted into the Korean War. That was in October of 1951. Consequently, now at the age of 54, I have at heart to call Christian leaders of the Western World to a 2nd Reformation, and, primary within that call, to absolve ourselves of blood-guilt, as we prepare ourselves and God’s people for Jesus’ 2nd coming — a day of God’s wrath for the un-repentant.

In this light, I urge you, Honorable Ambassador, to re-evaluate your alignment with the extremely deceptive, unlawful & God-hostile authority of Washington, D.C., which we, also, have done, and that not without great cost & hardship.

Thank you.

Gary Spaulding & Vickie Spaulding (ascribed by signature)


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15 Ways for Christians to Avoid Persecution in the USA

Wed Mar 21 , 2007
There is no persecution in the USA against Christians who are not like Jesus. Meanwhile his ambassadors and emissaries are being severely persecuted.

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