Cristina Kirchner, anti-Christ revolutionary

John the Baptist said to King Herod: “You’re not married!” and this is what he might say to your Mme. President Cristina Kirchner:

Public Notice:

27 September 2011

Mme. Cristina Kirchner is one of the most successful anti-Christ revolutionaries of the Western World. Avoid her sin* by having nothing to do with her nor with those aligned with her, neither contractually nor casually, and denounce her publicly at every location where God’s Church gathers.


–Gary, root surgeon


*babies conceived by rape are babies, not trash; homosexuals are not married; stealing from the rich is still stealing, etc.

Dra. Cristina Firnández de Kircher’s name appears first in the:

la Guía de Abortos No Punibles [“Non-punishable abortions Guide”]


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Argentine president Cristina Kirchner was re-elected

Sun Oct 23 , 2011
A public lamentation: 23 October 2011 The guilt as to why Cristina Kirchner won yesterday along with her anti-Christ affiliates belongs to the preachers of the Word of God – pastors as well as priests – who, due to their convenience, did not denounce them publicly as Jesus, John the […]

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