
Jesus faced much opposition on earth as he went about loving people. You’d think people would have received and appreciated his love. Some did, but others opposed him zealously. His love is the heavenly type of love. Had he loved the world with an earthly type of love, he would have been received and appreciated.

Jesus’ followers too have typically faced opposition throughout history, especially those who reach out boldly to share his love and Good News.

The Bible contains eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings. Although the Bible is typically the top best-seller of all books, it is prohibited as a reliable textbook in the public schools. Yet, to bring us the Bible and the Good News of Jesus, many people have faced opposition, mistreatment, and misunderstanding down through the ages. Many too, as Jesus, have even faced death.

As we bring you the Good News of Jesus, this time by means of a Jesus newspaper, we too foresee more trouble. How we wish it could be otherwise. It makes us very sad.

We have been falsely arrested, or fined, or threatened on public sidewalks, on public right-of-ways, at public fairs, public festivals, public parades. We’ve faced trouble before judges, and prosecutors, and magistrates, and mayors, and city councils, and policemen, and jailers. Even some of “our own” have deserted us or stay away from us, some to avoid facing the present-day apostacy, others to hold on to the things of this world, others to protect their earthly reputation and credentials, others simply to avoid trouble, and others for other reasons. But the Lord Jesus has strengthened us, and we expect he will continue to give us strength and guidance.

You too need to be ready to face opposition as you follow Jesus and set out to share his love and Good News. Don’t be afraid, though. He will show you the way, he will give you strength, and he will fill you with his peace. Jesus is awesome! ##



[Article from a Jesus newspaper, 1st edition]


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Public Outreach Article

Sun Jun 21 , 1992
Throughout history, those who have stood with Jesus and the Good News have faced opposition, particularly those who do so publicly.

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