a Letter to our Uncle

Hopefully, Uncle, your spiritual leaders are wrestling with these very subjects: Lordship, apostasy and a Heaven-based spirituality, among others, so that these concepts are not foreign to your thinking.

Date: 08 December 2009

Dear Uncle,

We are downtown Bariloche (Argentina) at the Cyber Cafe where there is a Wifi connection to the internet, as this is our weekly rendez-vous with our e-mail. Thank you for yours, and for drawing our whereabouts to cousin’s attention. We are uncertain whether you are aware of our website address as follows: a Second Reformation : Have no King but Jesus and hope to find your heart warmed by its contents. We are approaching an anniversary: it was last year, the 10th of December of 2008 at 7:35 in the morning when Gary and I received a revelation which we have entitled “666 unscrambled.” We feel it is a primary document of Christian history. You may want to pass it on to Christians in positions of leadership. It can be found at the following: a Letter to Mr. Obama – “Let My People Go” . We feel it is a major stepping stone that defines the need for a Second Reformation, which to us is more necessary than was the First, almost 500 years ago. An equally weighty proof document is perhaps an article entitled ” Memorandum from the First Century .” In brief, it describes the difference among Christians between those who are disciples of “Jesus INC” and Jesus, the one known to have cleansed the temple of it’s agents of “Jesus INC.” Today is a historic day in Christendom in that another Christian family is putting a temporary structure next to ours and making steps toward disconnecting from the anti-Christ seated in Washington, D.C. Hopefully, Uncle, your spiritual leaders are wrestling with these very subjects: Lordship, apostasy and a Heaven-based spirituality, among others, so that these concepts are not foreign to your thinking.

We have received a tentative plan from the Holy Spirit to present these and other concepts in Wittenberg, Germany at the event of the 500th Anniversary of the First Reformation, which will take place on 31 October 2017. We hope to present these proof documents and others, including 195 Theses for a Second Reformation at that time, and we are making all preparations necessary to be able to present them in 6 languages. We believe this is what our life is to accomplish. Three years later, in the fall of 2020, we foresee arriving at Plymouth Rock in some barge or another to call the “Man of Iniquity” seated in Washington, D.C. to: “Let my people go,” that will be the event of the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Pilgrims and Separatist Christians on the North American shores, which you certainly know already. The likelihood of surviving such an intense task is slim, and we know it, but we feel it has to be done, and God has called us to do it. May the will of the Lord be done.

You may pass this onward as you please.

Love, Gary & Vickie


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Unilateral Divorce Certificate

Fri Jan 22 , 2010
A proactive Christian solution for dealing with anti-Christ governments to avoid their blood guilt and liability before Jehovah God; and for this you will suffer tribulation.

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