Litmus test of totalitarianism

Among our God-given rights, the liberty to say yes is only legitimate if you also have the right to say no.

From: Gary and Vickie
To: Friends of Jesus’ Lordship and a 2nd Reformation
Date: 26 October 2010

Thank you for occupying until He comes and for strengthening that which remains during this great tribulation, confident that when the gospel of his Kingdom has been preached in the whole world, then the end will come.

Subject: Litmus test of totalitarianism

During the past 97 years, since the Overthrow of 1913, the gospel of the kingdom of the I.R.S. has been preached through the church Incorporated, but that time is over. We thank you for your patient endurance for King Jesus and his Kingdom.

Tomorrow is national census day here in Argentina, and is a critical litmus test in revealing the advance of creeping totalitarianism. As elsewhere in the Western World, the census has been transformed into a global disclosure of your inner sanctum. We, as at other times in the past, will provide a body count and politely refuse further petitioning for information, true to the dictionary definition of the word. Totalitarian governments (operating as democracies) bristle at the word no, and especially when they have no compelling justification to violate the People’s privacy. Among our God-given rights, the liberty to say yes is only legitimate if you also have the right to say no.

God bless you, and may Jesus’ Lordship prevail.

I thank God for all the saints, Polycarp comes to mind, who said no when, due to Jesus’ Lordship, it was the only right answer.

Love, Gary and Vickie Spaulding

P.S. Saturday, the 31st of October, is the 493rd anniversary of the First Christian Reformation, 1517 A.D. – 2017 A.D., when Martin Luther said: No!


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Sun Oct 31 , 2010
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