Letter to War Crimes Tribunal


We remind the War Crimes Tribunal from time to time that the warlords in Washington need to be summoned to give account before the war crimes court that they created.

A follow-up letter to:

The War Crimes Tribunal in Den Hague, the Netherlands

Date: 22 September 2009
From: Gary and Vickie SPAULDING
Formerly of Chicago, Illinois and South Bend, Indiana U.S.A.
To: International Court of Justice
Den Hague, the Netherlands

Subject: On 18 September 2004, five years ago, before being expelled from Europe, we mailed you our 174 page indictment via registered mail from Fribourg, Switzerland, alleging war crimes against Washington, D.C., seeking injunctive relief.

Dear Clerk of the Court:

Five years have passed since you and the other addressees, listed below, received copies of our War Crimes Compendium of Affidavits. Instead of staying in Paraguay, we unexpectedly landed in Bariloche, Argentina where we are sheltering precariously in a forest near the Andes Mountains.

The urgency of bringing an injunction against the war criminals in Washington D.C., which is our purpose, is greater now than it was five years ago, because thousands more innocent people have been killed during these intervening years. Now, Washington D.C. is laying the groundwork to install its military bases here in South America [Colombia]. Washington’s martial law, militaristic paradigm and war crimes must be enjoined and a binding protocol brought against its warlords as it expands its powerbase.

As we saw at the Mt. Carmel Concentration Camp near Waco, Texas in 1993, and as the world saw 10 years later in Iraq in 2003, this Washington crowd is a band of pirates operating outside the law and terrorizing Citizens of the United States and beyond in the name of anti-terrorism. We are sure that these indictments are easily understandable to you. We are against these pirates and are doing everything we know to restore good law in the land of the United States. We are convinced that God is against them, too, the God whom we serve. Now the U.S. militarized police is using stun guns to torture Citizens into submission, which is killing them too, and continues to steal children under Washington’s lawlessness, as the 460 children who were stolen from their parents in El Dorado, Texas, on 3 April 2008. This is abhorrent to proponents of civilized justice.

Unfortunately, we have been sojourning at a primitive campsite in the forest for almost 5 years and still have no surface mail address, as we had hoped. If this creates hardship, we can provide the surface mail address of a helpful friend and local businessman who is willing to shuttle mail to us. For now, please communicate with us via our electronic mail address.

Our e-mail address:  editors@nopresidentbutjesus.com

Our website address:  https://nopresidentbutjesus.com/ .

You will need courage to treat the Washington terrorists with equanimity just like terrorists need to be treated everywhere. May God strengthen your resolve in the face of this sobering call for justice. We are also willing to testify personally and face to face in your Court since, as you can see by our website, we have organized a massive volume of proof-documents against the Pirates on the Potomac. Our War Crimes Compendium alone is 174 pages in length.

May peace on Earth be based in justice.

Sincerely, Gary and Vickie SPAULDING

P.S. Please find our former cover letter, attached, dated 18 September 2004, sent from Fribourg, Switzerland.

List of current addressees (see next page):

Mailing list of Current Addressees

22 September 2009:

Stephen J. Rapp,
U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues,

U.S. Department of State,
2201 C Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20520
e-mail: U.S. Department of State

Congressman Joe Donnelly
U.S. Congressman from Indiana to Washington,
2nd District of Indiana,
100 E. Wayne Street, Suite 330, South Bend, IN 46601
e-mail: Congressman Donnelly

Ms. Brenda Scott, Author of “Out of Control…”
c/o Huntington House Publishers,
P.O. Box 53788, Lafayette, Louisiana 70505
e-mail: ? can’t find

Mr. Michael McNulty, Producer ,
“Waco – the Rules of Engagement”

c/o SomFord Entertainment,
8778 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069
e-mail, still searching, for now: mailto:apfn@apfn.org

Clerk of the Court, The War Crimes Tribunal,
Information and Evidence Unit

Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
email: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int

Mr. Dan Rather,
CBS-TV, 60 Minutes II

524 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019

United States’ President, Mr. Barrack Obama,
The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500
e-mail: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Original Cover Letter to War Crimes Compendium

18 September 2004

Formerly of Chicago, Ill.; South Bend, Ind.
presently relocating from Switzerland to Paraguay.

U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, Mr. Pierre Richard Prosper,
U.S. Congressman from Indiana to Washington, D.C., Mr. Chris Chocola,
Ms. Brenda Scott, Author of: “Out of Control, Who’s Watching the Child Protection Agencies?”
Mr. Michael McNulty, Producer of: “Waco — the Rules of Engagement.”
Clerk of the Court, International Court of Justice,
CBS-TV, 60 Minutes II, Mr. Dan Rather,
United States President, Mr. George Bush,

Dear Mr. President, Mr. Rather, Mr. Clerk of the Court, Mr. McNulty, Ms. Scott, Mr. Congressman, Mr. Ambassador:

SUBJECT: Hand-delivery refused; departing for Paraguay; mailing address forthcoming

I attempted to hand-deliver this War Crimes Compendium of Affidavits to the Receptionist of the International Court of Justice in Den Hague, the Netherlands, last March 4th, 2004, but hand-delivered service was refused. The Receptionist said by telephone that I could send it via the Post Office from downtown Den Hague, but, since I have no home & no return address to verify its receipt, plus given the gravity of this document, as I explained to him, I saw his proposition to be irresponsible.

I then went to the Police Station downtown Den Hague & explained the situation to the Deputy Chief of Police, emphasizing the necessity, under the circumstances, that the Compendium be hand-delivered to the Court. She agreed and telephoned the same Receptionist, offering personally to hand-deliver it in my stead, under her police authority. That offer was also refused.

Now I have arranged for a mailing address that can be used for the purpose of verifying this document’s receipt by the addressees. However, my family has been rejected for political asylum & expelled from Andorra, France & Switzerland (which, by bi-lateral treaty, renders all of Europe closed to us) therefore, next week we will depart for Paraguay, South America, God willing. Briefly stated, we have been searching for more than 2 years for a better land for our family’s safety & well-being. We have been kicked around from country to country, in my opinion, primarily because no country wants to be identified with our painful testimony.

Once in Paraguay I don’t know how long it will take me to find a mailing address, but as soon as I do I will send it to you.

I apologize for the inconvenience — everything has been awkward facing being displaced, now to a different continent for a second time. Due to travel, weight & volume constraints I’m leaving my printer, supplies & half of our belongings behind in Europe, so to mail these documents from Paraguay would not be feasible. I also want this Compendium to come to your attention as quickly as possible.

In closing, these seven documents are being sent in the spirit of a humanitarian effort, similar to the one we undertook on behalf of the families at the Mt. Carmel Concentration Camp near Waco, Texas, with the hope, finally, of securing a better foundation of justice, followed by peace, for the people of the United States and beyond, putting an end to what I identify as U.S. terrorism, war crimes, etc., which have broken or destroyed the lives of innocent people.


Gary Spaulding
Fribourg, Switzerland

Mailing list of Original Addressees

18 September 2004:

Mr. Pierre Richard Prosper,
U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues,
U.S. Department of State,
2201 C Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20520

Mr. Chris Chocola
U.S. Congressman from Indiana to Washington,
2nd District of Indiana,
100 E. Wayne Street, Suite 330, South Bend, IN 46601

Ms. Brenda Scott, Author of “Out of Control…”
c/o Huntington House Publishers,
P.O. Box 53788, Lafayette, Louisiana 70505

Mr. Michael McNulty, Producer,
“Waco – the Rules of Engagement”
c/o SomFord Entertainment,
8778 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069

Clerk of the Court, The War Crimes Tribunal,
International Court of Justice, Peace Palace
2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands

Mr. Dan Rather,
CBS-TV, 60 Minutes II
524 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019

United States’ President, Mr. George Bush,
The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500


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Errata - bible translations

Wed Oct 14 , 2009
We all make mistakes, but some mistakes give the Devil the advantage, as you will see.

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